Friday, August 19, 2011

Buying Produce

We have two farmer's market days here in our town.  I always opt to plan my summer meals around the produce that will be offered then.  For me, it is important to eat food that is as fresh as possible, but also, when it's so easy to do, to purchase my food directly from the farm that grew it.  I am grateful to have the opportunity to meet people right here in my community or nearby, who actually put the seeds into the Earth; then watered them and watched over them until the day when those plants - my food - were mature enough to be brought to the market for sale.  It feels good to me to know that my dollars help another family to live.  Their food feeds me and my dollars feed them.  It's a win/win thing.  Oh, and I forgot to mention, when there's a choice, I ALWAYS spend a little bit more and opt for organic.  The organic farmer isn't just growing better, healthier food for me, but he/she is also supporting the Earth by not using toxic chemicals that pollute the soil and water, and untold numbers of insects and other innocents.

Choose organic; support local; vote with your dollars; embrace sustainability; eat healthfully; love your body and your life, as well as the lives of all others.  That's the Greater Good.

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